Welcome to Paremata Flats

New drone footage of the Paremata Flats restoration and environs –

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Paremata Flats Reserve, Maori Pa Rd, Cable Bay is a publically owned (Nelson City Council) area that encompasses tidal river and Land Biodiversity systems designated by Council as of highest Ecological Value of all land under their management. It has a small area of unique lowland forest and a small population of locally endangered SI Fernbird and Banded Rail. To see the wider environment check out the gallery.

Planting at Paremata

Forest and Bird are delighted that the planting of all the areas of the flats has been completed, there may be some further infill planting in the 2017 year. Should organisations or individuals be interested to talk with F&B in regards further funding options please contact Ian Price by phone (03) 5459018 or email

There is now a video that features the Paremata Flats restoration project, courtesy of the Nelson City Council project Nelson Nature.

Facts and figures

as at 15/04/2020

  1. Forest and Bird have raised $190,000 since 2011 to plant 95,857 native eco sourced trees.
  2. 1251 planters have given 5,325 volunteer hours to plant 95,857 trees.
  3. Since 2007, 5,188 volunteer hours have been given by 41 trappers to a twice weekly pest Control management programme.
  4. 10,069 pests have been removed from Paremata, Uri O Te Wai and Maori Pa Road.
  5. 6,275 volunteer hours gone into weed control.
  6. 1,135 volunteer hours into administrative work and organising.
  7. 569 volunteer hours seed collecting.
  8. 112 volunteer hours into native plant propagation.
  9. 1,076 Volunteer hours into Pest monitoring.
  10. 582 Volunteer Hours into track development and maintenance.
  11. Nelson City Council (NCC) has been actively supporting the Paremata ecological restoration project as part of the Nelson Nature (Bursting with Life, healthy River, healthy community project) in conjunction with Landcare and the Hira Community. The purpose of the project is to enhance the health of the Whakapuaka River and as part of this NCC has donated over 9,500 native plants to enhance the riparian margin of the Whakapuaka River which Forest and Bird planted.
  12. 265 Volunteer hours went into the watering of plantings over the dryer summer months, close on 20,000 Litres of water by way of 20 Litre containers to ensure plant survival.
  13. 38 hours went in to the mulching of plantings
  14. 46 hours went into Bird Survey work
  15. 210 hours went into Rubbish cleanup in Delaware Bay

Total Volunteer Hours given to the project 20,821 if you charged this out at the minimum wage of $18.90 per hour then the very conservative dollar contribution by volunteers would be close to $395,000.00 and when combined with the money raised the total sum given to the project by Forest and Bird, Sponsors and volunteers, would be close to $585,000.